Community Development

Medical Outreach Campus

$25,000 goal
$6,700 raised
15 donors
$18,300 to go

Medical Outreach Campus

Background: It has been a few years since our Gabonese partners discovered that someone claimed to own our land and was selling false deeds to nearby villagers. This led to a long legal dispute in the Gabonese courts for the last couple of years as the church had to prove the land was ours. Even though there are small buildings on the land and the medical clinic building had started, everything stopped. Fortunately, we had a Gabonese lawyer who fought for us pro bono. The party that was claiming ownership of the land could not produce any documentation to support their claims. In the same period of time, the church provided all the necessary documentation proving ownership. All of this has led to the closure of the debate before the reporting magistrate, allowing the church to use the land.

Current: The church leadership is ready and excited to move forward now on our 65-acre campus, securing the perimeter of the land, continuing to build the medical clinic, and creating agricultural and livestock programs. We estimate the total cost to complete phase one at over $75,000. This amount will provide funding for fencing the perimeter of the entire 65 acres, finishing the clinic, and starting the agriculture and livestock programs. The church will contribute funding to this, and we will come alongside them to raise what we can to match their spending. At this point in time, we are raising funds for fencing and continuing construction on the clinic walls.

Cost: $25,000 to assist the church with securing the perimeter of the land and continue building the clinic.

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