Public Health

Malaria Prevention

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, malaria is the #1 leading cause of death. In Gabon, it is the 4th leading cause of death. - Unicef

“The WHO African Region carries a disproportionately high share of the global malaria burden. In 2021, the Region was home to 95% of malaria cases and 96% of malaria deaths. Children under 5 accounted for about 80% of all malaria deaths in the Region.” - World Health Organization

Our malaria prevention program includes education and mosquito net distribution in Gabon, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Pakistan. In most cases, prevention education is more important than the physical net. If education isn’t included, nets may not be used improperly, and conditions will not change. Our programs teach people how to use nets effectively, and other practices to reduce malaria, such as emptying standing water, cutting down brush around the home, and learning warning signs for when to seek medical attention.

  • A child dies every two minutes from malaria.error_outline
  • 3.7 billion people, half the world’s population, live in areas at risk of malaria transmission.error_outline
  • Mosquitoes transmit the virus from dusk til dawn through their bite.error_outline
  • If left untreated within 24 hours, malaria symptoms can intensify into more severe, life-threatening symptoms that can lead to death.error_outline
  • Malaria is 100% preventable.error_outline

We aim to provide long-lasting mosquito nets treated with insecticide to people who cannot afford or access them to protect them from this preventable yet deadly disease. We also have education programs at medical clinics to teach about the causes of malaria and how to prevent infection.

To date, this program has funded over 11,600 mosquito nets and educated over 110,000 people about malaria and its prevention in Gabon, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Pakistan.

mosquito nets
individuals provided malaria
awareness education
3 countries
Gabon, Congo & Pakistan
Over the years

Gallery of Mosquito Net Distributions


What We Do

Public Health

At E4 Project, public health encompasses not only the physical well-being of individuals but also the spiritual, social, and emotional aspects of an individual’s health. In the countries where we serve, examples of various public health initiatives include providing access to clean water, malnutrition prevention, and medical care.

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Community Development

Our development approach to poverty alleviation seeks to address important community issues through a Biblical, holistic, and participatory process. This process involves working closely with community members to identify their strengths and assets, as well as the challenges they face, and to develop solutions tailored to their specific needs and contexts.

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We believe one of the best ways to help communities with poverty alleviation is through training and offering scholarships. We do this through the training of trainers, as we have done through CHE Training in both Gabon and the Democratic Republic of Congo, through educational scholarships, and sewing training for widows and needy women.

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